Watch the Successful of ICOS
(International Conference of Ortho Society)
2023 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Module 1: Interdental mini-implants and use of absolute overlays
- Hands-on practice 1: Placement of interdental mini-implants and fabrication of absolute overlays
- Module 2: Retromolar mini-implants for molar uprighting and distalization
- Hands-on Practice 2: Placement of retromolar mini-implants and fabrication of absolute levers
- Module 3: Palatal mini-implants for molar distalization and traction of impacted canine
- Hands-on practice 3: Placement of palatal mini-implants and fabrication of levers and springs
- Module 4: Comprehensive application of orthodontic mini-implants

Artificial inteligence in orthodontic diagnosis (Dr Yehyun Kim)
TAD failures and mistakes: It’s not a magic wand (Dr Ari Harsoputranto)
Non surgical management of complex class III malocclusions (Prof Anand Marya)
TADs – Biomechanics is the key to success (Prof Kleber Meireles)
The use of TADs to accelerate and enhance the precision of treatments in various types of malocclusions (Prof Kleber Meireles)


Who should attend this event?
Every dentists, dental students, and dental specialists
How many CPD points will I get after participating on this event?
There will be CE hours given by Chosun University but the conversion to CPD points depends on the policy of Dental Council in your country. The CE hours value is 7 hours per day.
What is the difference between the Conference and the Workshop?
The conference is more general in nature; there will be many people attending, including various distinguished speakers who will deliver lectures on their experiences in the field of orthodontics, the latest methods, as well as tips and tricks in handling various cases. You can also meet many people and build your social relationships here.
Workshops are personal, detailed, and focus on only one topic. There will only be one or two speakers who will deliver the material, and you will also have the opportunity to gain practical experience using hands-on methods or clinical exercises.
Can I join only the Workshop or the Conference?
Yes, you can take part in one of the event or both.
Can the payment be paid in installments?
Yes, please contact us for more detail
What other benefits will I get after participating in this event?
If you are not a member of Orthosociety, you will automatically be registered as a Blue Member of Orthosociety. You will get many benefits from your membership. If you are already a member, Continuing Education Hours from this activity can be included in your credit.
Apart from that, you can also get knowledge, the latest information in the field of orthodontics, and also build relationships with colleagues in the profession.